Sunday, November 18, 2007

SO STRANGEEEEEE...................

There are people who look at you so intensely like they can read what your heart says, that they can see the pain, agony and happiness. Like they can see exactly how you feel... like you know less and they know more... Like they are just so busy judging everything you say and do... Its strange when things get so analytical... when every smile is questioned and every statement is marked in red.... :)

Who cares really... to speak just the right words and to be your right self all the time... I can't. I am careless... I am harrod... I say weird things, things I don't mean... some one may ask something... But I may be lost in my World...I Don't want to be judged.. Don't want to be looked at like that... Don't want any one to try to figure me out... and want the World to JUST let me BE.

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Say what you want....