Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Wish

If you ask me, I have nothing to say...
The most unplanned, uncertain, deceptive truth
Living by the Sigmund of hope..
Hope... that is defeated every single day!

The closely shut door,
The blank stairs to the unknown..
The life just slides by..
With images unseen..

The comfort disturbs me..
The silence ignores me....
I stay unseen,
I stay unique...

In the midst of the sarcasm
The real story is formed...
In the nothing of everything...
The heart felt is spoken of...

Coiled in the grip of destiny
Unmoved and trapped...
Lies that little wish...
That sensitive little wish...
Shy and asleep.

Little has it seen the cruel world...
Little will it ever see...
As it chooses to be asleep...
For it is scared of the reality...

The sweet little wish is for me to keep...
Hidden somewhere within....
As beautiful as an innocent prayer...
As protected as in the womb...

It holds my reality,
That I despire...
It holds the childlike me...
In the purest form...

Sleep well dear wish,
This world is not for thee...
Lie safe in my heart...
Let peace be your reality...

The venom, may be bitter,
For you, I drink it all..
For you are my true identity...
For you are the Wish,
I love to die for!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Madame... but i thot u were gonna write for moi


Say what you want....