Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Peace with reality.

In me,
I found you.
Memories stored,
In every cell,
And every speckle of being.

In me,
I found the wound.
Old, dry, yet fresh.
Painful, forgone,
Yet intact.

In the journey,
of self.
I found me,
Every step outwards,
Was a step inwards.

In the abstract nothingness,
I found me,
Evaluating it all,
Like a third person.
Impressed, yet disturbed,
Proud yet concerned.
Connected yet so aloof.

 In contradictions,
I found meanings.
Of life, and after,
Of peace and disasters.

In you,
I found me.
Insignificant, purposeless,
Ignored and prosaic.
Like a moment that wasn't born.
Like a feeling that never existed.

In this non-entity,
I found peace,
Made with reality.


  1. beautiful!!!

    very profound, free flowing, lovely.

    enjoyed it to bits.

  2. you are really an awesome writer... just loved it
    simply awesome

  3. lovely.....happy journeying !


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