Saturday, February 28, 2009


Love me, for what I may not be, judge me, for what may be your perception!
Leave me, for no sin... yea; it is to do with you, not with me....
Patterns in this jigsaw puzzle, all disjoint, but relevant... simple, but indirect, real but deceptive!
Truth love is immortal, Reality, all love does not meet completion...
Truth, it is imperative, Reality, it dwells with time....
A hundred wishes, a hundred incomplete.... a simple acceptance... the world of love....
Yes, it is arranged... a weird risk... a unique exploration.
Be afraid of the deep river, or take that first dive... live with the inhibitions, or open up to a whole new world...
Smiles and giggles are here to stay,the warmth of love would not decay!
Take the leap, give it a least, you'd know, you gave it your best shot... :-)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


A world waits for the world unknown...
That stupid little thing your heart has known :-)
A sweet desire, for someone desirable...
A complete nothing of that silence...

Sugar yet poisonous, that undying hope....
Hope to live each moment so sweet...
Special yet general, simple yet complicated
Desires, of this solemn heart... :-)

Spinning by the truth of time....
Every fulfilled wish wants more..... more of what is absent....
Untouched by contentment,
There is always something to wish for.....
The broken castles don't have any morals well learnt.... :-)

Gripped in the want for newness.....
Locked in the beautiful past...
Stuck in the upcoming future.....

The circus of life goes on.....
The artists cry and make merry....
Form associations and part...
Some have changed some forever....
Some have remained some bits together...

The desire for the unknown prevails.....
Winding and unwinding, the life moves on.....
With something new to wish for everyday.....
Sugar yet poisonous the undying hope, I tell you :-)