Saturday, October 13, 2007


Empty Page longs for contact
The Written feeling and unspoken sand...
Numb yet sensitive
Forms a strange attachment with words!
Like everyday feeling them upon itself.
Destiny holds nothing forever
And the words tend to fade...
The love not weak
But pain so true
Attack every cell of brain
And the heart sinks deeper
Deeper creating realization of love!
Stranger words, now life of an empty page!
For when the light falls, they read themselves...
To narrate the story of a proud emptiness...
Who has now got addicted to fulfillment!
The numb feelings fear the pain
Strange attachments bind and unite
Separation fears the forthcoming misery
Love...deep love taught to be patient by pain!
Fade away when the pages tear,
Wash away when the entity disappears.
True it was to happen,
But true that it cannot be forgotten!
Nothing can take away...
The nourished whole...filled with the name of love!
The fire cannot burn what is burning...
And water cannot wash away that flows!
Nothing can change what lives forever!
No decay can conquer LOVE!

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